Friday, February 17, 2012

Stardoll: Contest/Concurso

In this contest you will have to create a scenery about what you like doing in your free time. The contest finishes the 24 of February. The gifts will be:
1º-3 gifts that cost stardollars
2º-2 gifts that cost stardollars 
3º-1 gift that cost stardollars
To participate write a comment or write me a message in my guest book.
En este concurso teneis q crear un decorado de lo q os gusta acer en vuestro tiempo libre. El concurso terminara el 24 d febrero. Los regalos seran:
1º-3 regalos d stardollars
2º-2 regalos d stardollars
3º-1 regalo d stardollars
Para participar escribid un comentario o escribidme un mensaje en mi libro d visitas.
Written by/escrito por:

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